Registration Information

Alberta Government Subsidy Notice

As of April 1st 2025, $100 per month will automatically be taken off all fees due to the Government Affordability Grant, irrespective of family income. Please note: Fees for the 2025-2026 school year may be subject to change until April 30th, 2025.

2025/2026 Programs and Pricing

Registration is now OPEN for Fall 2025/2026: Limited spots remaining!

  • NOTE: Children must be 3 years old by Dec 31st and FULLY potty-trained.

    Days:Tuesday /Thursday mornings

    Times: 9:00 am to 11:30 am (2.5 hour program)

    Price: $200/month. With the Government Affordability Grant, your cost is $100/month

    Class Objectives:

    Our major goal is for children to become comfortable in a group situation. We emphasize sharing, listening, transitions, routines and good manners. Our aim is to improve the development of independence, as well as fine and gross motor skills through play and craft activities.

  • NOTE: Child MUST be at least 3 years old to register for this program.

    Days: Tues/Thurs afternoon class

    Times: 12:30 to 3:00pm (2.5 hour program)

    Price:$200 per month. With the government affordability grant, your cost is $100/month

    It is a combination of both our three and four year old programs.

  • Note: Child must be 4 by December 31st to register for this program. Your child can attend both Kindergarten and Preschool for additional social/emotional skills.

    Days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (3 days/week)

    Times: 9:00am - 11:30am (2.5 hour program)

    Price: $230 per month. With the government affordability grant, your cost is $130.00/month

    Class Objectives:

    This pre-kindergarten class introduces reading readiness, especially vocabulary and phonics. Independent thinking is encouraged, early math concepts are introduced and an emphasis on social and emotional skills are modeled.

    We introduce one letter of the alphabet each week, focussing on how to print the letter and the sound that it makes.

  • Note: Child must be 4 by December 31st to register for this program. Your child can attend both Kindergarten and Preschool for additional social/emotional skills.

    Days:Monday/Wednesday/Friday (3 days/week)

    Times: 12:30pm - 3:00pm (2.5 hour program)

    Price:$230 per month.With the government affordability grant, your cost is $130.00/month


    This pre-kindergarten class introduces reading readiness, especially vocabulary and phonics. Independent thinking is encouraged, early math concepts are introduced and an emphasis on social and emotional skills are modeled.

    We introduce one letter of the alphabet each week, focussing on how to print that letter and the sound that it makes.

  • Note: Child must be 4 by December 31st to register for this program. Your child can attend both Kindergarten and Preschool for additional social/emotional skills.

    Days:Monday - Friday (5 days/week)

    Times:12:30pm - 3:00pm (2.5 hour program)

    Price:$385 per month. With the government affordability grant, your cost is $285.00/month


    This pre-kindergarten class introduces reading readiness, especially vocabulary and phonics. Independent thinking is encouraged, early math concepts are introduced and an emphasis on social and emotional skills are modeled.

    We introduce one letter of the alphabet each week and focus on writing the letter and the sound that it makes.

The discipline policy of Fun 2 Learn Preschool encourages the development of self-control and the learning of appropriate social behaviours. By providing an environment that strengthens the sense of dignity and self-worth of each child, we attempt to develop an awareness and respect towards adults and children. Fun 2 Learn Preschool emphasizes a positive approach to appropriate behaviour by modelling. We provide a varied, stimulating, developmentally appropriate program with careful planning and preparation.

Our behaviour expectations are clearly explained and if required these intervention strategies are used:

  1. Establish eye contact and speak calmly to the child

  2. Redirecting the child with an alternate toy and activity

  3. Moving closer to the child, acknowledging his/her feelings, and telling him/her exactly what you require.

  4. In situations where a child is extremely upset, one of the two teachers present will take the child aside, calm him/her down (perhaps by reading a story) talk about the child's feelings and when ready, return the child to the group.

Child Guidance Policy

We look forward to welcoming you to Fun 2 Learn Preschool!